No sex no Pregnancy: Mind it!

No sex no Pregnancy: Mind it!
No Sex Full Stop, the best option according to the doctors, in steps in avoiding pregnancy.
As the young genre starts growing up, they grow keen to understand and discover their world to sex and it’s a very normal and actually natural phenomenon to seek the world of passion, lust and desire after certain age.
Also to determine the acts a grown up body can perform, people involve in having sex but no sex is equivalent to no pregnancy, suggest the doctors.
Also, studies reveal saying ‘No’ to Penetrative Sex, can work in pregnancy prevention, the desire can be fulfilled by foreplay, hand stimulation or oral sex which all are again as lustful and desirous as sex.
According to the research, even the intake of pills can help, if had unprotected sex, just by consuming a morning after pill as soon as possible. It is effective more in the first 24 hours and after by the effectiveness reduces.
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