Stay put
Losing weight might be an uphill task, but maintaining the fitness levels and keeping thepounds away is even more difficult. It is not necessary for an individual to come to fitnesscentres to avoid piling on the pounds. A healthy diet is a must. Milk and proteins mustalways be included within the diet. For women over 30, calcium tablets must be consumedto prevent osteoporosis and other similar ailments. Each person has a tendency top gainweight in specific areas. Workouts concentrating on these parts are tailor made to keep theadipose away. For eg., with a tendency to gain weight in the midriff, exercises for the absare a must. Weight loss is not exactly a matter of a few months. The aforementioned tipsmight help one lose weight in matter of days, but the process must never stop. It should alsobe remembered that being lackadaisical about weight gain can prove difficult in the long runas one pound of fat gained escalates to twenty pounds very soon. So, it is advised to startworking out with the slightest inkling of weight gain, to stay fit and healthy. Ultimately, it is notabout looking thin, but being fit.Fab Five: Points to RememberIn order to stay fit, 45 minutes of physical workout every day is necessary. The diet needsto be low on carbohydrates and high on protein and calcium. Stay away from the followingcold edibles as they tighten the adipose and make it difficult to lose weight: Ice cream,cold drinks, chilled water and chilled beer. Chocolates, white bread and bananas arealso a strict no-no when trying to lose weight. Avoid oily and junk food. Drink at least twolitres of water everyday. Hydration is very important for fitness as it flushes toxins away.
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