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Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard wont alter mining tax

Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has confirmed she wont alter the controversial mining tax if she wins govenment on Saturday.
This comes after Greens leader Bob Brown proposed an even bigger mining tax to fund the education system.
The Greens are likely to hold the balance of power in the upper house, and Julia Gillard will need [...]

Michelle Obama: not around during President’s Birthday

In early 2008, the First Lady proudly announced that for the first time in her entire adult life she was proud of the hope and change that was pledge during her husband’s Presidential campaign.
It was Pres. Obama’s birthday and the First Lady isn’t around to spend it with him.
The First Lady didn’t do it on [...]

Proposition 8 overturned for now

Proposition 8 overturned for now

The Proposition 8, whereby banning gay marriages was overturned by a federal judge in Wednesday.
It has been reported that the Proposition 8 violated the equal protection and due process of the constitution.
Proposition 8 simply places a force of law against gays and lesbians in that they do not deserve the the full recognition of the [...]

13 American Civilians to receive an award from Pres. Obama

George J. Weiss Jr after his retirement as a utility repairman with Ford Motor Corporation, he started an all-volunteer rifle squad three decades ago.
The mission of the squad is to provide military honors at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis to deceased veterans.
The squad started when Mr Weiss friend died and the Veterans of [...]

President Obama: Home alone on his birthday

Wednesday, the President of the United States, President Barrack spends his 49th birthday home alone.
Michelle Obama, the First Lady had to take Sasha, their youngest daughter, to Spain and Malia, their other daughter is away for summer camp.
President Obama will be heading to Chicago for his birthday celebration in his own house together with his [...]

Haitian Presidency: Wyclef Jean announces to run for the position

According to a report on Tuesday,the American-Haitian hip hop start is planning to run for the position of Presidency in Haiti. He will formally announce his bid for the position this week.
Rumor has it that Wyclef, a humanitarian activist, will announce his interest to run for presidency on the “Larry King Live” to be aired [...]

Kenya not considering troops for African Union

Raila Odinga, Kenya’s Prime Minister says that his country probably won’t commit troops to an expanded African Union force for Somalia. But he is open for a review. According to prime minister the presence of Kenyan troops could be seen as an invasion because of Kenya’s shared border with Somalia.
Kenya might review its own position [...]

Afghanistan: recent situation

Afghanistan: recent situation

13 civilians were killed and four others were wounded in the eastern and southern parts of the country in Afghanistan when insurgents fired with guns and bombs reported NATO’s International Security Assistance Force on Friday.
Six civilians who were building and repairing roads were killed in Ghazni province as insurgents using small arms fatally shot. One [...]

Minister for Road Pleads with Truck Drivers

Minister of road and transport pleaded truck drivers not to go on sticks for lowering the tax.
All India Motor Transport Congress has called for lower toll tax filing with which it plans to take 62 lack trucks off the roads.
They are hoping that they do not have to take such a step as many people [...]

PM visited Gogoi

ASSAM Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, will undergo an open heart surgery in Mumbai. At present his condition is stable and is under a normal diet. In respect with this he is not discharging his official duties.
77 years old Gogoi was taken ill during a meeting of the National Development Council in New Delhi and was admitted to a [...]

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