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Can K-9 experienced Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Gina, a playful 2-year old German shepherd, was sent to Iraq to serve as a highly trained bomb-sniffing dog. She was with the military and has been conduction door to door sniffing search and also having been able to witness all sort of explosions.
After her service, she returned home with feelings of fear.
According to her [...]

Hunger can cause asthma and other chronic illness

Research studies shows that children and teenagers who do not have enough food to eat and are often always deprived of food have an increased risk of developing asthma and other chronic diseases.
The research was conducted from 1994 to 2004-2005  are from the data that were gathered from a survey of  5, 809 Canadian children  [...]


Often times, when you are pregnant your physician will asked you to be on bed rest either for a short period of time or for the rest of your pregnancy state that depends on how risky your being pregnant is.
When your physician asks you to be on bed rest, you must ask her questions about [...]



According to a report released Tuesday, as of 2009 3 out of 10 adults is now obese that is higher from the studies made in 2007 wherein it has been reported to be 25.6%.
The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention found out that between the year 2007 and 2009, the number of states in [...]

Weight Loss: Low carbs versus Low-fat

Overweight and obese individuals tried almost every diet, medications and fitness programs but some have failed probably because they are not doing it the right way.
Diet can help in reducing your weight. Diet such as Low Carbohydrate and Low fat diet both helps in reducing your wait.
Low Carbohydrate diet works just the same as how [...]

Big boozers stressing out work colleagues

Big boozers stressing out work colleagues

Heavy drinkers are forcing their colleagues to work longer and harder which is costing the Australian economy over $400 million each year.

In a new research, published in the Medical Journal of Australia, is has been found that about one third of workers have experienced negative effects from their co-workers’ drinking of alcohol.
About 59 of the [...]

Routine in a life give chances of Longetivity

Routine in a life give chances of Longetivity

While most of us thinks that health is an automated system and it will take care of its self, but what we fail to realize that our health is rather more like a machine.
The only difference is that we can tune it to our needs; which we most often don’t do. Maintaining a daily routine [...]

Tips for keeping home dust free

Tips for keeping home dust free

Where ever we go they follow us, but these dusts can be real dangerous if there is an asthma patient in the home. Some tips like regular cleaning of the rooms, keeping windows open in the dawn and dusk to have circulation of fresh air, using curtains can keep of the dust away from the [...]

Qing Ting copies apple site and product

Qing Ting copies apple site and product

A Chinese company named QingTing has managed to copy not only the website of technology giants Apple but also its products; at least it looks so on the website.
The company has the same variety and design for the product that apple has to offer. This is another example of what Chinese technology can do. The [...]

Birth Control Pills: Works for both obese and normal-weight female

Birth Control Pills: Works for both obese and normal-weight female

Studies have shown that birth control pills are effective whatever your weight is. Whether or not you are obese or thin, the same pill works equally.
According to Dr. Carolyn L WestHoff, from Columbia University Medical Center, the pill works by stopping and or preventing the woman’s ovaries from producing eggs.
Contrary to the study mentioned above, [...]

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