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Category archives for: Health

Eating nuts can lower cholesterol‎

An analysis of 25 studies involving about 600 people showed that the average daily consumption of 67 grams of nuts can reduce cholesterol by up to 7.4%.
All study participants ate each for three to eight weeks,67 grams of nuts. Finally, scientists have found that besides improving cholesterol,  walnuts decreased the number of triglycerides  , those deemed responsible [...]

The pill celebrates its 50th anniversary

Yesterday  50 years were celebrated since the contraceptive pill was approved for use and just as long since the lives of millions of women worldwide have changed.
On the 9th of May 1960,U.S. authorities announced liberty of use of contraceptive hormonal pills used until then in various gynecological situations.
Over the next decade, pregnancy prevention method has been [...]

Herpes Virus Information

Once contracted oral herpes virus does not disappear. It remains inactive for a while, but may appear in episodes, favored by low immunity.
Herpes is one of the most common diseases.It is transmitted easily, and once the virus has entered the body it will manifest itself in episodes throughout life.
Onset occurs by the appearance of vesicles either [...]

Mole selfexamination

Mole selfexamination

Follow the “ABCDE” rule
To prevent risks posed by any mole doctors recommend attentively watching its progress. In the first stage examination can be made oneself after the “ABCDE” rule.
* A – Asymmetry – the mole is asymmetric and half of the nerve does not match the other half;

Check your moles to prevent skin cancer

Check your moles to prevent skin cancer

Melanoma is the most aggressive form of skin cancer and can appear anywhere on the body, often in apparently healthy skin, but also precancerous lesions such as pigmentation cellular nerves (moles).
Therefore, regular self-examination of the skin at least once a month is proved to detect any damage or changes occurring in the moles, [...]

The Earth could become too hot for people

The Earth could become too hot for people

The tendency to heat up that the currents of the Earth seem to have developed could result in the raise of air temperatures to a degree beyond the bearable.
A new study analysing the most optimistic hypothesis of the worst available in terms of global warming reveals that, if green house effect gas emission continues at [...]

Pea prevents colon cancer

Pea is an excellent source of A, B1, B2 and C vitamins.
Specialists say that pea can heal or treat heart as well as vascular problems due to the high concentration of B2 it contains.
Pea is valuable vegetable for the fibers it consists of, therefore pea diets are recommended as a remedy for anaemia, digestive problems, [...]

Jasmine flowers fight headaches and insomnia

One of the main features of jasmine flowers is that of relaxing the human body throughout the ethereal oils that it contains.
Indian therapists, who have studied the effects of jasmine on the human psychic allot the jasmine extract soothing qualities as well as aphrodisiac properties.
Headaches and coughing can be healed with jasmine as well. Jasmine [...]

Is passive smoking dangerous?

The risk of developing lung cancer is over 30% higher for those who inhale the smoke coming from the people smoking around them.
Daily, nine persons out of ten inhale cigarette smoke involuntary at work or in public areas. However, only three of them are aware of passive smoking.
Thousands of studies have focused on the effects [...]

Beautiful women can damage health

A man who spends 5 minutes in the company of an attractive woman starts having health problems.
Researchers at the Valencia University in Spain have reached the conclusion that men who spend time around beautiful young women  are highly likely to develop a growth of the cortizol level, also known as stress hormone, states The Daily [...]

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