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The real Kung Fu Panda

An Asian bear has become a star on Internet, after having been filmed playing with a bamboo stick, like a real master of martial arts.

Amazed by the agility of the bear, journalists from The Telegraph has asked for an expert, to analyze the footage.

Professor Marc Bekoff from the University of Colorado says the images look real:

“This is an amazing example of animal object control. This goes beyond normal animal usage of complex tools but then again you can train seals to balance balls on their noses and train elephants to paint with their trunks, so why not this.

“I would guess this is the result of extreme training and would find it hard to believe the animal taught itself this spontaneously.”

Bekoff added that the kung-fu moves were not natural, and that the bear learnt to move this way due to the boredom he faced.

Nicknamed Cloud, the bear from ”Asa Zoo” Hiroshima, Japan has already gathered 800.000 users who saw his clip.

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Posted by Marian Ciovirta on May 27 2010 Filed under Asia. You can follow any responses to this entry through the . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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