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Snoring problems solved with food diet

Snoring is a problem faced by both partners of a couple and sometimes by house or block neighbors , as well .

All sorts of products especially made to help people with snoring problems have appeared on the market  , but there are other means to escape the snoring or  “reduce” its volume. Everything depends on what one eats  in the evening.

Milk, chocolate and cold foods are dishes that should not be consumed in the evening, because snoring stress hampers digestion and announces “20 minutes”.

A copious dish served at dinner can “stimulate”  snoring in people who don’t usually do so.

It is recommended that the evening menu  should not include fat food, boiled, grilled or baked.

Toaster is banned, no abuse should be made with spices and coffee. Obviously, alcohol is prohibited.

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Posted by MichaelKarsten on May 22 2010 Filed under Diet. You can follow any responses to this entry through the . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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