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10 laws that shaped The Republic

In the beginning, laws were about laying the Republic’s infrastructure. As it gets matured over the years, laws reflected the sophistication of its superstructure. If the law passed in the early years was meant to realize the basic promise of holding free and fare elections. The evolution of laws tells us its own tale about the 60-year-old Republic.

1. Fleshing out democracy.

2. Shielding agrarian reforms.

3. Reforming Hindu customs

4. Taking on untouchability.

5. Redrawing the political map.

6. Checking defections.

7. Special law for Muslims.

8. Grassroots democracy

9. Piercing the veil of secrecy.

10. Welfare on steroids.

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Posted by PatrickFerrel on May 29 2010 Filed under Laws. You can follow any responses to this entry through the . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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