Mobile Phones dirtier than Toilet Paper

Mobile Phones dirtier than toilet paper
Analyzing 30 mobile handsets showed that 7 had very high or warning levels of environmental bacteria, meaning that millions of mobile phones exceeds the normal level of bacteria.
The phones might contain a lethal bacteria, as tens of thousands of microbes live on each square inch, producing more bacteria than a toilet seat.
Scientists said that the combination of constant handling and the heat generated by the phones generates a perfect environment for all sorts of bugs that are normally found on our skin.
“In other words, they come into contact with more parts of our body and a wider range of bacteria than toilet seats. The phones contained more skin bacteria than any other object. This could be due to the fact that this type of bacteria increase in high temperatures and our phones are perfect for breeding these germs as they are kept warm and cosy in pockets, handbags and briefcases.”
Mobile owners are advised to use anti-bacterial wipes to keep their handsets germ-free.
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