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Stories written by KellyPoo

No Muslim votes for JKB?

No Muslim votes for JKB?

Kalayan Singh reported that the  party was not merely dependent on the votes of muslims and would perform well in the hustings without them for support
He also reported that all political parties are ignoring the rights of 85 per cent of Hindus just to pacify Muslims, having 15 per cent share in the vote bank.
Even [...]

Vatican – tourists banned over skimpy clothes‎

“How far is too far?” is the question that one asks usually when they want to skim the edges of the rules without actually breaking them.
In the case of the Vatican, however, we might have to ask how many rules one can enforce without abusing tolerance.
The ban that has been on seemingly “revealing” clothing in [...]

Personal Details From Facebook Made Downloadable

A hundred million people who facebook often, would have been surprised this morning to find that their personal details have been made downloadable on Pirate Bay.
This information was compiled by a single person, named Ron Bowles. Bowles, an online security consultant by profession, has made his point that privacy issues must be highlighted, by hacking [...]

Hair Loss Treatments

Baldness is a problem that men need to cope with, as they age… or so women think. But what to do when you’re a young balding male?
Or what if, even worse, you’re a woman with male-pattern baldness? Truth is, hair loss is a problem that devastates even the best of us, regardless of age or [...]

Sonix Snap: Latest Apple iPhone 4 Case – price $30

Sonix Snap: Latest Apple iPhone 4 Case - price $30

New gadget, Sonix Snap is one of the Latests iPhone 4 Case.
This iPhone 4 case is available for $30 and it contains a feature that places the screen higher off the ground when the phone is screened down.
iPhone 4 cases helps to protect  damage to the screen if it falls down and iPhone 4 case [...]

Gluten prevention: Simple mate! Prevent Contamination

Gluten can be easily cross contaminated within the home or when eating out. Everyone who has been diagnosed with Gluten Sensitivity knows that gluten affects and moreover, damages the health if introduced in diet.
Separate utensils – for the gluten free products, make sure to keep a separate toaster as the left bread crumbs present in [...]

Know about Hypothermia Pocket-Cure

Know about Hypothermia Pocket-Cure

A condition in which the body is at a risk to lose the vital heat of the body due to the fickle behavior of the wilderness weather.
Can simple steps help you? Yeah..they can..No need to go to Doctors even!
Clothing – whenever venturing, make it sure that you carry the warm clothes along with the gloves [...]

Intimacy possible without Pregnancy risk

For the young women these days, it’s the best option. It is the most prudent and admirable opinion to say no to sex in order to avoid pregnancy.
As the young genre starts growing up, they grow keen to understand and discover their world to sex and it’s a very normal and actually natural phenomenon to [...]

Shin Splints require time in healing: Doctor’s Report

The painful condition in the shins can happen due to running or jumping or even dancing or sprinting may lead to shin splits, which then requires long time to heal.
Seek for good quality running shoes than buying a cheap low quality shoes. Retire the shoes when achieved 300-500 miles in it.
Workout or run miles regularly, [...]

Avoiding Plagiarism just child’s play

Plagiarism obtained from Latin word plagiaries, means “kidnapper.” Therefore, the writer who plagiarizes or in other words kidnaps other authors’ language, thoughts, and words and represents them in their own work without giving any proper acknowledgment to the source is plagiarism.
The stealing and passing off the contents of another or producing any notion or product [...]

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