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Madonna, Dolce & Gabbana image

At 51 years old, Madonna returns to one of the her first passions: modeling.
She posed in Harlem, for a campaign to promote the autumn / winter 2010 collection  at the Dolce & Gabbana house.
Again, an Italian housekeeper character fits Maddona perfectly  allowing the sexy singer to get carried away and make one of her most successful pictorials.
She poses for D [...]

Louis Vuitton’s most powerful brands in the world of luxury

A study of the top most valuable brands in the world has ranked first  the Louis Vuitton brand worth about 19.8 billion dollars.
Research conducted by polling institute Millward Brown market Optima also identified, in the second position, the Hermes brand, with a value of 8.45 billion dollars, followed by Gucci, with 7.58 billion dollars, Chanel with [...]

Health Risks of Perfume

Many brands of perfume including the most sold in Canada, contain dozens of chemicals that are not written on the label and which may endanger  health, reports AFP.
“Halle” from actress Halle Berry, ‘Quiksilver’ sold in Canada and “Lo Glow” by Jennifer Lopez are among the most dangerous.
These perfumes contain each, seven substances capable to mess up [...]

Sugar reduces pain in babies

Sugar reduces pain in babies

Babies aged up to a year should be given something sweet before they are made injections for the pain to be smoother, say Canadian experts quoted by the BBC.
Experts from the University of Toronto says that babies cry less during the vaccination if, before being injected, receive a few drops of sweet solution.
Researchers based their [...]

Beer, from pleasure to pain

Beer, from pleasure to pain

Around half a liter for men and  300 ml for women of beer daily is the amount that doctors recommend.
Fattening excess disturbs the mind and can aggravate diseases.
Due to its nutrients, beer is considered “food”, but in excess it becomes bad. Specialists in nutrition say that one shouldn’t drink more than 500 milliliters of beer per day, because a larger [...]

Playboy 3D

Adult magazine, Playboy, has joined the 3D revolution, so starting with the  June number, which appeared yesterday in New York,  the magazine includes a 3D display.
The images present the  playmate of the year, Hope Dworaczyk, offering a glass of wine.
Despite the revolutionary idea, readers were  mostly skeptical to the image quality and some of them even complained.
Other readers are concerned about [...]

Sentenced to death in China for having stabbed 29 children

Sentenced to death in China for having stabbed 29 children

A Chinese was sentenced to death  after a trial that lasted less than a day.
 He was arrested because he had stabbed 29 children and three adults, in an attack at a school in eastern China in late April. 
Two teachers were injured and a guard. He used a knife  with a 20cm  in April 29, when the attack took [...]

Drastic measures for poor California

With a budget deficit of 19.1 billion dollars, California must apply drastic measures to reduce public expences.
Directly concerned in this regard are the poor and those with health issues, announced Wednesday.
In trying to cope with the degrading  economy and the state budget crisis in California , Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that “sacrifices imposed are going to be  more [...]

Tourism in Greece is in a difficult situation

Tourism in Greece is in a difficult situation

The Greek Government  announced two days ago the creation of a crisis committee, immediately after visitors from around the world canceled thousands of  hotel resevations, reports the AFP.
Athens Hoteliers Association has announced that almost 20,000 reservations were canceled  at hotels in the capital and its environments.
“After the massive cancellations of reservations, a crisis committee headed by the Greek [...]

Terracotta Army, growing continuously

Terracotta Army, growing continuously

Chinese archaeologists have discovered in November, another 114 terracotta soldiers in the Qin Dynasty funerary complex near Xian, in Shaanxi province, the BBC announces.
The statues were painted in bright colors and were positioned near ships, weapons and other artifacts, reports China Daily.
“I was excited to discover that the terracotta soldiers were painted in rich colors,” said [...]

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