Greek wedding tradition
In Greek weddings, the groom shouldn’t worry too much about his appearance – he experiences a ritual of shaving in front of the family and guests.
Strangely enough, spitting is considered to bring good luck in Greek weddings. Spitting is an old tradition which is still practiced in some parts of Greece today.
Sundays are considered lucky days perfect as wedding days. On the Wednesdays and Fridays before the wedding special rituals are performed.
The most important person in a Greek wedding is the koumbaros or the sponsor. Any man can be elected, but usually the groom’s grandfather becomes koumbaros.
In a traditional wedding the groom ask the parents for their girl’s hand. After obtaining permission, he goes to church, accompanied by the best man. The priest begins the ceremony and puts golden crowns on the heads of the couple. Instead they sometimes use gold crowns tiaras of orange flowers
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