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Miss Philippines 2010 Answer Made Her Lose Crown

Miss Philippines 2010 Answer Made Her Lose Crown

There are a lot of questions as to the weight of the answers of Miss Philippines 2010 Venus Raj who waged off for the crown of Ms Universe.

It was a tough contest as she was just able to take on the fourth place in the Miss Universe 2010 that took place over at Mandalay Bay Casino Resort in Las Vegas Nevada. Audience were not impressed by her answer and tried to evade with her fail answer.

Venus Raj is one of the most gorgeous woman in the pageant, she was able to handle the question too nervously and that she was not able to think of a good answer.

She almost had the lead but during the question and answer, she just thanked the audience, William for the question and her parents for her success that she was obviously doing to skip the question.

Here is what Venus Raj said, “Thank you so much sir for that wonderful question. Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Good evening Las Vegas. You know what sir, in my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major major, I mean problem that I have done in my life because I am very confident with my family with the love that they are giving to me so thank you so much that I am here. Thank you thank you so much.”

The crowned miss Universe is no other then Miss Mexico Jimena Navarette who is a Guadalajara Beauty.

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Posted by ninyeh101 on Aug 24 2010 Filed under World. You can follow any responses to this entry through the . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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