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Fly eyes for solar panels

Fly eyes are perfectly shaped for manufacturing efficient solar cells says a team of scientists. They say that, copying the eye of the Blowfly would allow solar cells to collect sunlight from a larger area than just light that falls directly on a flat surface.

With eyes that are hemispherical Blowflies are the most desirable to make solar panels. they have the ability to take in a whole lot of light from a lot of different angles.

A group of scientists took the corneas of nine flies and filled them with a polymer to maintain its shape this was done in order to replicate the blowfly’s eye.

The cornea was then coated them with nickel. This process allowed them to create a mold.

This mold was the exact pattern of a fly’s eye. With these molds, scientists expect future solar cells to be built with fly eyes to maximize efficiency.

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Posted by ChrisAbdey on Aug 2 2010 Filed under Tech. You can follow any responses to this entry through the . You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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