Justin Bieber Talks on Puberty; Voice Changes

Justin Bieber talks on Puberty;Voice Changes
Canadian pop sensation Justin Bieber reached the zenith of his career by guest starring on CSI. Justing opened up his heart about reaching his puberty.
“Everyone’s voice changes. Puberty is a natural thing. I have the best vocal coach in the world and we’re working on my voice and doing what I need to do.” Bieber said.
“It’s not like as soon as you hit puberty you stop singing. Usher is the best mentor in the world and he survived puberty. He tells me what to do, what not to do.”
Despite being famous and having a lot of young girls around him, the young singer needs to ask mom first.
“My mom has me on a tight leash and [she's] being real protective. The girls show up wearing nothing. I can’t lie, I’m 16, I don’t hate it. I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“My mom is still my mom. She could care less if I’m an international superstar. I still have to clean my room on the tour bus. She takes my computer at 12 [a.m.] so I can sleep.”
“I don’t have a bedtime [but] she doesn’t want me on the computer because she doesn’t want it to rot my brain. When she takes away my computer, I still play with my iPad. She doesn’t know. My mom is my biggest fan. She’s been a fan since I was a baby. My father’s in Canada, taking care of my brother and sister. He’s amazing; he’s really proud of me.” Justin adds.
Now that he’s getting older, Justin Bieber is trying to face all the changes that come with adolescence.
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